Getting Teeth Done in Turkey

Getting Teeth Done in Turkey

Enhancing Confidence with Dental Procedures in Turkey

In recent times, there is a growing demand for dental procedures that restore or enhance the beauty of the oral cavity. Not everyone is naturally blessed with perfectly straight and white teeth, and factors like time and an unhealthy lifestyle can impact their shape, enamel, and gums. If you’re seeking a smile makeover, the solution lies in getting your teeth done in Turkey. The experienced dentists at Dentatur dental clinic can help rectify the situation, requiring just a few visits for treatment to achieve a flawless smile.


Understanding Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry, also known as smile transformation or getting teeth done in Turkey, is a modern trend in dental treatment aimed at improving the appearance of teeth. Dentists in this field not only provide treatments but also correct dental defects. They are skilled in plaque removal, addressing crookedness, malocclusions, chipping, and interdental spaces.


All these abnormalities can be corrected, thanks to advancements in dental aesthetics worldwide. At Dentatur dental clinic in Turkey, dentists utilize modern methods, state-of-the-art equipment, precise instruments, and quality materials to deliver exceptional results.


The Purpose of Aesthetic Dentistry

This rapidly evolving field serves a dual purpose. Aesthetic procedures not only restore the beauty of your teeth but also offer functional benefits. Correcting malocclusions and closing gaps between teeth restores functionality, reduces pressure on neighboring teeth, and improves chewing, preventing further damage to the gastrointestinal tract.


Whitening treatments and the correction of crooked or chipped teeth provide individuals with a more relaxed demeanor, enabling them to smile openly and establish social connections more easily. This, in turn, eliminates socializing difficulties, boosts self-esteem, and provides protection against stress.


Aesthetic dentistry encompasses a comprehensive approach to solving dental problems. It includes restorations, prosthetics, whitening, and augmentations. In some cases, aesthetic treatments may overlap with surgical procedures. For example, a distorted tooth may need to be extracted to ensure the correct development of neighboring teeth. However, there is no need to be apprehensive, as long as you choose the right aesthetic dentistry clinic with certified dental specialists. Dentatur clinic in Turkey boasts a high rating and positive reviews, confirming its reliability.


Smile Makeover in Turkey

The demand for artistic smile makeovers is on the rise. Unlike dentures, this procedure can restore the anatomical shape, function, and natural color of damaged tooth tissue, extending its lifespan and restoring its attractiveness.


You may consider this type of dental treatment if you have interdental gaps, enamel thinning, decayed teeth (partially or entirely), yellowing or staining, or if old fillings have fallen out. The procedure can be performed directly in a single visit or indirectly requiring at least two visits to the dentist’s office, depending on the specific case.


Direct Restoration Procedure

The direct dental restoration, also known as composite restoration, involves the application of filling material. This procedure is relatively quick, typically taking 1-3 hours to restore an anterior tooth, depending on the patient’s individual circumstances. However, direct restoration has a few drawbacks. Over time, the filling material may discolor or lose its natural enamel-like luster. While these defects may not be significant for chewing teeth, they can be more noticeable on anterior teeth. Therefore, this dental treatment may not be the most optimal and long-lasting option.


Indirect Restoration Procedure

The indirect restoration procedure involves the fabrication of an artificial restoration in a laboratory based on an individual impression using composite material or ceramic mass. The completed restoration is then attached to the damaged tooth by the dentist at Dentatur clinic in Turkey. Unlike the direct method, this procedure requires multiple visits to the dentist. However, the results are long-lasting, and the restored tooth is not only aesthetically pleasing but also fully functional.


When more than 50% of the tooth is damaged and the dentist performs depulpation (nerve removal), the restorative material may be subjected to high stress, potentially leading to root fracture and tooth extraction. Therefore, professional dental treatment involves an accurate assessment of the problem and the selection of restoration techniques that ensure a guaranteed and long-lasting outcome.


Dental Treatment with Veneers

Veneers are thin plates primarily made of ceramic material, measuring between 0.5-0.7 mm in thickness. They are designed to cover the surface of damaged teeth. Veneers are particularly suitable when the damage is limited to the front part of the tooth, with little or no damage to the interior. Ceramic veneers are known for their color stability, as they do not darken or lose their luster over time.


Dental treatment with veneers is recommended for patients who have:

  • Teeth with unattractive shapes
  • Teeth with shades that cannot be bleached
  • Chipped incisal edges
  • Small gaps between front teeth
  • Moderately curved teeth that do not require orthodontic treatment


Dental Treatment with Crowns

A crown is an orthopedic structure used for dental restorations. It restores the shape of the tooth, provides high aesthetics, and maintains the tooth’s functional characteristics. In simple terms, a beautiful and functional tooth is achieved. Dental restorations with crowns are suitable when the degree of tooth damage exceeds 50% or when the nerve has been removed. Modern dental crowns are typically made of ceramic or metal-ceramic materials. Among them, ceramic micro-prostheses closely resemble natural teeth.


Advantages of Dental Crowns:

  • Metal-ceramic crowns closely resemble natural teeth, while ceramic crowns provide an exact match in appearance.
  • Resistant to aggressive factors, including abrasion, ensuring the longevity of the crown’s surface.
  • Durability is a key feature of modern crowns, with a service life of 10-20 years or even longer, depending on the material used.


When considering dental crown treatment for aesthetic purposes, there are important factors to keep in mind. Firstly, the volume of the tooth will be reduced during the preparation process. If you prefer to avoid this, inlays can be a preferred option (more details on them later). Secondly, the nerve within the restored tooth must be removed, except for large molars. Without intervention, a tooth without a living nerve can decay over time, albeit at a slow pace that may take years. Therefore, whenever possible, it is advisable to crown a tooth that still has vitality.


Why Choose Turkey for Dental Treatment?

Dental tourism has emerged as a distinct field in the healthcare industry, attracting patients from Western countries. These individuals highly value beautiful teeth but may face obstacles such as high costs or inadequate customer service in their home countries. As trendsetters, they seek destinations where dental treatment is relatively affordable and the quality of services is exceptionally high. Turkey stands out as one such country, and here are the reasons why getting dental procedures at Dentatur clinic in Turkey is advantageous:

  • Comprehensive dental care available under one roof.
  • State-of-the-art equipment for effective problem-solving.
  • Utilization of proven innovative treatment methods.
  • Use of modern and reliable dental materials.
  • Skilled and knowledgeable dentists who stay up-to-date.
  • Genuine guarantees for all provided services.
  • Optimal cost for each dental procedure.


Modern dentistry enables the creation of a “Hollywood smile” for individuals of all ages and regardless of the condition of their oral health. The crucial aspect is to seek the expertise of a good dentist in a timely manner. Whether you need to close unsightly gaps, achieve uniform enamel color, repair a partially decayed tooth, or address other aesthetic concerns, the dentists at Dentatur clinic are ready to promptly, affordably, and qualitatively provide the necessary treatments.

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