How to take care of men's hair

How to take care of men’s hair


Every man in the world wants thicker, stronger and better looking hair and wants to strengthen and care for hair and regrow thinning hair without surgery. The Quartz Clinic Hair Care Guide contains a range of highly effective, non-surgical solutions to thicken dull, thinning hair strands. This treatment can be used for male pattern hair loss and thinning and is very popular with men who want thicker, stronger and healthier hair.


The basis of healthy hair is gentle care and the right choice of hair cleansing agents. Many men are bothered by the lack of volume and dandruff in the root zone. Such problems spoil the appearance and can cause uncertainty. In how to take care of hair for men, hair care experts believe that the dream of obtaining healthy hair can be achieved through hair care products for men. Medical methods can also be used for hair care such as plasma and mesotherapy.


Men’s hair care

Male and female hair is very different. Due to the predominance of testosterone in the body, men have coarser, stronger and thicker hair structure. The scalp of men is thicker than that of women, as it contains more hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands. All of the above factors indicate that men’s hair is more adaptable to the effects of negative factors, cold, temperature changes, exposure to salt water or chlorinated water, etc.


Among the most common men’s hair problems are dandruff, oily scalp, and hair loss. Hair loss in men can be caused by various factors such as:

  • genetic factor.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Wrong choice of hair care products

However, the medical and cosmetic fields have developed greatly over the years, offering many effective treatments that can help overcome hair loss problems. Dr. Leila Arvas Clinic offers hair care treatments and many similar hair care treatments for you…


different hair types

  • Oily hair: Unfortunately, problem-free hair is rare. Oily hair is characterized by its dull shine. Shortly after washing it, it sticks together and looks dirty and untidy. Oily hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, which, in turn, are purely individual and genetically established. The amount of sebum produced depends to some extent on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates (mainly) and fats consumed with food.


  • Dry hair: it does not reflect light well, and as a result it looks dull and lacks shine. It tears easily, hard to comb, splits and breaks at the ends. Very often, dry hair is the result of improper grooming, and not the result of reduced activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Mixed hair type: the hair is usually long, greasy at the roots and dry at the ends due to the fact that they are not sufficiently oiled. The ends of this type of hair often split without getting the necessary lubrication. Mixed hair needs a combination of different specialized care and a modified diet.


How to take care of men’s hair

To be attractive, you need to take care of yourself. This applies to everything: body, face, hands and skin. It is competent men’s hair care that allows you to enjoy the reflection in the mirror and attracts the enthusiastic look of a woman. Remember this and do not ignore the rules, which we will talk about. Also, do not forget to follow a balanced diet, i.e. eat vegetables and fruits. They contain useful components that are needed by the body. You need to know exactly how to take care of hair for men. Here are some expert tips.

  1. Wash your hair regularly

Out of a whole host of hair care routines, washing is the most important component as it serves both hygienic and beautifying purposes. For healthy hair, not damaged or split. Proper and timely washing is the minimum measure in your hair care routine. Washing your hair regularly ensures that your scalp and hair are free of dirt and excess oils. But the right frequency depends on your hair type and your personal preference. If your hair is very dry, limit washing to twice a week.


If you have dry hair, washing it once a week is enough. Fat needs to be washed twice as often. The water should be at a warm temperature. Not hot or cold. Cold water does not wash away impurities and shampoo, and hot water activates the sebaceous glands. This means that your hair will quickly become greasy.

  1. Use men’s hair care products

You can’t control all the environmental factors that damage your hair, but what you can control is the type of men’s hair care products you use. When we say men’s hair care products, men’s hair formulas and hormone-related hair loss are different from women’s products, so shampoo, cream and other products for men should be preferred. The fewer chemicals, the healthier your hair and the less hair fall. Choose gentle shampoos that are suitable for your hair type.


Sulfates and parabens are used in shampoos to lather and protect, respectively, but over time they can irritate skin and increase the risk of hormonal disruptions. For this reason, it is recommended to ask a specialist how to take care of hair for men and to choose hair care products in the ones he prefers.

  1. Correct application of shampoo

Conditioners contain ingredients that make your hair straighter and more manageable. Protects your hair from environmental factors and heat styling. However, it should only be applied to the ends of the hair and not to your scalp. Also, be sure to rinse well after application. However, it is not recommended to use conditioner when men have short hair. Rather, it would be more appropriate to use hair care products for men that nourish hair and protect it from falling out.


  1. Find natural ways to style your hair

Proper drying is the key to healthy hair. When drying hair, keep the hair dryer 25 cm away from the head and set the temperature to medium. This reduces the risk of damaging the hair structure Excessive heat styling and chemicals can damage your scalp. If you need styling, limit it to important occasions. The best method is air drying or towel drying after shampooing. Never sleep with wet hair or comb hair when it is wet.


Speaking about how to take care of hair for men, one cannot fail to mention drying. The common habit of vigorously rubbing your head after washing with a towel can weaken and damage your hair, making it brittle and dull.

  1. Let your hair get greasy

Pre-shampoo treatments such as hydration, masks and massages speed up blood circulation to the scalp, relax muscles, increase shine, and nourish hair. It also restores moisture content, promotes hair growth, and repairs split ends. You can choose from coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, castor oil, and so on, or you can combine a few of them all.

  1. Use a wide tooth comb

Wet hair is fragile and prone to breakage. Let your hair air dry and then brush your hair using a wide tooth comb. This type of comb prevents your hair from getting damaged. The comb should be washed periodically with warm soapy water. Not allowing others to use it.


  1. Drink more water

Caring for hair by moisturizing internally with external moisturizing are the key to balanced and healthy hair. You may use moisturizing hair care products and oils, but drinking at least 3 liters of water a day will ensure that your hair is healthy.


  1. Eat healthy

We’ll continue hair care and skin care by saying, “You are what you eat.” Your hair is made up of proteins and amino acids. It needs proper nutrition to grow well and maintain itself. Eggs, berries, nuts, fish, leafy green vegetables, and sweet potatoes are all great foods for healthy hair.


It is very common for men to have serious hair and scalp problems, including split ends, brittleness, hair loss, dandruff, and so on. The most effective way to overcome the above-mentioned difficulties is to analyze the scalp and visit a specialist. Do not trust all kinds of ads in the Internet.

What happens when you do not pay attention to hair?

If you do not take care of your hair, it may stop growing at some point. You may gradually begin to experience dandruff, hair loss, dryness, and dullness.


Not washing hair for a long time may cause ingrown hairs. Yes ! It can also occur on the scalp. Also, leaving your hair unwashed for a long time will attract more dust. Using the wrong hair care products can make your hair itchy and cause hair loss.


But whatever it is, we cannot stop some external factors and genetic factors, in this case, medical applications are the biggest supporter of human hair in the world…

How to take care of men’s hair in medical ways

To make your hair look beautiful and attractive, you need to give it enough attention. If a man ignores this rule, problems arise. It means hair loss, dandruff, receding hairline. Many men don’t like to waste time on hair care. They want a magical remedy that has a quick effect. We will tell you how to take care of men’s hair and medical hair care methods.

How to take care of hair for men – mesotherapy

Our mesotherapy formula is injected directly into the scalp affected by hair loss, in this way the formula reaches the roots directly. By applying the formula directly to the hair follicles, the effectiveness of the drug is multiplied exponentially, so the results are more effective than oral or topical solutions. It provides the assurance of men’s hair care without the need for medication with a host of potential side effects. A mesotherapy session in our clinic takes less than half an hour.


  • HIGHLY EFFECTIVE: Mesotherapy is the treatment your scalp needs for hair growth and replenishment of nutrients. It improves blood circulation. Mesotherapy strengthens hair follicles, which leads to healthy hair growth.
  • Fast Recovery: Meso hair treatment requires no incisions or recovery time and thus does not involve wounds that need time to heal. You can carry out your normal duties immediately after the operation.
  • Safe: The ingredients in the solution are carefully selected according to the patient’s needs.
  • Painless: A numbing cream is usually applied to your scalp prior to the ICSI injection. The needles in the syringes are fragile and do not feel pain. The injection pain is very little and the numbing cream relieves the pain well.
  • Natural Results: We designed mesotherapy to strengthen follicles, promote hair growth, and improve blood circulation. Therefore, the result that you will get will be completely natural and healthy.

How to take care of men’s hair – plasma injection

Although PRP is a relatively new method of hair care, there is some scientific evidence to suggest that it can promote hair growth. To understand how PRP works, it’s important to be aware of the role platelets play in healing. It is one of the most preferred medical applications in how to take care of hair for men.


Platelets are a component of blood as well as red and white blood cells. When a person experiences a wound, platelets are one of the body’s “first responders” who come in to stop the bleeding and promote healing.


In how to take care of hair for men with PRP injections, our doctor will take a blood sample and put it into a machine called a centrifuge. This device rotates at a speed that separates the components of the blood. Our doctor then removes the platelets for injection. PRP blood plasma contains a number of growth factors and proteins that accelerate tissue repair. Since some types of hair loss are caused by damage to hair follicles, researchers first noticed that platelet-rich plasma could help regrow hair by reversing the process that occurs in androgenetic alopecia. Since then, PRP has become a popular method for restoring hair growth. the hair.


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