Immediate Implant Treatment in Turkey

Immediate Implant Treatment in Turkey


Immediate implant or immediate loading implants are a surgical treatment where an implant is placed at the same time as a tooth extraction, followed by the placement of teeth on the implant.


To be eligible for immediate implant placement, the tooth should be free of infection, and there should be sufficient bone in the area. Tooth extraction should be performed with minimal trauma, and if necessary, bone powder can be added around the implant during the procedure.


After evaluating the maxilla, oral cavity, and previous dental procedures, a dentist can perform the immediate implant treatment.


Immediate loading of dental implants offers several benefits, such as eliminating the waiting time for the extraction site to heal, reducing the need for additional surgical procedures, minimizing the duration of toothlessness, preserving the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the jawbone, and reducing the overall cost of oral implantology.


Immediate implantation has gained significant attention, and numerous clinical and experimental studies have been conducted to explore its efficacy. The successful outcomes of these studies have established immediate load dental implants as a valid treatment method in oral implantology, making it a popular choice among patients.

What is an Immediate Implant?

Immediate implant treatment is a convenient option to get immediate implants in Turkey. But what does it involve?


In a single session, an implant is placed immediately after a tooth extraction, and a tooth is attached to it.


For immediate implant placement, there should be no active infection in the tooth, and sufficient bone is necessary in the area. The extraction should be performed with minimal trauma, and if needed, bone powder can be added around the implant.


Once the dentist determines the patient’s suitability for the procedure, they examine the patient’s maxillofacial structure to ensure the implants are proportionate.


If you choose to have immediate implants abroad, not only will you regain your teeth, but you will also have a unique experience to cherish when you return home.

How is Immediate Implant Treatment Performed?

Typically, implants are placed 1.5 to 2 months after tooth extraction. However, under favorable conditions, implants can be inserted simultaneously with the extraction, known as immediate implant placement, completing the entire treatment in a single session.


The surgical procedure for immediate implant placement is similar to other implant procedures but requires experienced hands. Qualified dentists are crucial for determining each step of the treatment.


Immediate load dental implants differ from traditional implants in terms of the number of sessions required. Traditional implants often involve multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. However, with sufficient clinical experience, a dentist can complete immediate implant treatment in a short timeframe, even within a day.

Who is Eligible for Immediate Implant Treatment?

Immediate implants are commonly applied to a patient’s anterior teeth. The tooth to be replaced should remain intact during the extraction procedure, avoiding traumatic extraction. Additionally, acute infections or severe inflammation should not be present in the tooth.


If you have existing dental issues, it is recommended to address those problems before considering immediate implant treatment. For example, if you have an acute infection in one of your teeth, undergoing immediate implant placement may risk spreading the infection. Therefore, ensuring a healthy mouth is essential before opting for immediate implant treatment.


What are the Benefits of Immediate Implants?

Immediate implantation offers several advantages, primarily in terms of time and convenience. This technique reduces the recovery period after tooth extraction, eliminating the need for a separate surgical procedure. Additionally, temporary fixed teeth can be placed immediately, ensuring that patients do not remain toothless during the treatment. Therefore, there is no requirement for temporary fillings or other interim measures in the patient’s mouth.


Dental implants are artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone, designed to restore missing teeth’s function. They not only replace missing teeth but also enable normal tooth function while providing a natural and aesthetic appearance. Implant treatment is a safer and more functional alternative compared to veneers, bridges, and palate prostheses. Unlike veneers and bridges, which rely on support from adjacent teeth and can cause damage, dental implants are directly placed into the jawbone, preserving the integrity of neighboring teeth. This preservation of adjacent teeth is a significant advantage of immediate dental implant treatment.


Implant treatment is renowned for its comfort, durability, and reliability. Prostheses attached to dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, both in appearance and function. Their longevity surpasses other prosthetic options since they are not subjected to wear and tear and maintain their structural integrity while replacing missing teeth.


What are the Prices of Immediate Load Implants?

Many individuals are curious about the cost of immediate load implants.

The price of immediate implant treatment is economically favorable, offering an affordable option for tooth restoration. Moreover, choosing to have the treatment in Turkey provides an opportunity to combine dental treatment with a holiday.


The steps of the Implant Treatment

Patients can undergo immediate dental implant placement right after tooth extraction, completing the procedure in a single day. However, certain factors need to be considered and assessed by the dentist.


Before initiating dental implant treatment, the dentist evaluates the patient’s overall health and assesses the compatibility of the maxilla and jaw structure for the procedure. X-rays are taken to accurately determine the Maxillofacial condition and ensure precise restoration.


For the loss of a single tooth, a single implant can be placed without damaging adjacent teeth.


In cases of missing large or molar teeth, one or more implants can support a fixed bridge in the posterior area of the mouth. While prostheses are an option, their mobility and bulkiness pose challenges. Therefore, dentists often recommend implant treatment as a superior long-term solution.


In situations where the lower jaw lacks teeth, dental implants prove to be a highly successful treatment method. By placing at least two or more implants in the anterior region of the lower jaw, natural-looking artificial teeth are achieved, enabling proper functioning.


This method is also suitable for long edentulous spaces. When a toothless area is extensive, traditional fixed bridges can be problematic. However, using one or more implants provides a more robust and hassle-free solution with stable artificial teeth.


Implants can be used in both upper and lower jaws without teeth. In cases of jawbone volume reduction due to osteoporosis, patients may struggle to use traditional prostheses. In such instances, placing at least two implants in the upper and lower jaws allows the attachment of fixed prosthetic teeth, restoring chewing and speaking functions and improving the patient’s quality of life.


Compared to other treatment methods, implant-supported restorations offer superior chewing and speaking functions and do not compromise the sense of taste.


Post-Immediate Implant Care Guidelines

After undergoing immediate implant treatment, it is important to consider certain factors to ensure a successful and comfortable recovery for the patient.


To promote healing and protect the implant, it is recommended to avoid eating or drinking anything for the first two hours after the procedure. Additionally, for the first 24 hours, it is advisable to steer clear of hot beverages and stick to consuming only soft and cold foods, such as cold purees, dairy products, and ice cream.


During the initial week, it is best to avoid hot food and drinks. To stimulate clotting and minimize bleeding, gently apply soft, sterile gauze on the treated area. Some blood or traces of blood on the pillow in the morning after the operation are normal and should not cause concern.


For the first 24 hours, it is crucial not to spit or rinse the mouth to allow the wound area to begin the healing process. Brushing teeth and using mouthwash should be avoided on the evening of the operation. However, after 36 hours, gentle brushing can be resumed. It is recommended to rinse the mouth twice a day with mouthwash or warm saltwater (one teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water) for two weeks. After gargling, refrain from eating or drinking for 30 minutes.


Smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided for the first 24 hours, as they can hinder the healing process. It is essential to refrain from smoking until the operation area is fully healed. If the dentist prescribes antibiotics or painkillers, it is important to follow their instructions and use the recommended brand.


In case of bleeding in the operation area in the following days, apply pressure with a sterile gauze pad. Some swelling or bruising in the operation area, cheek, or under the eyes may occur within the first three days, but it will naturally subside within 10 days. Applying ice to the operation area during the first day, for 10 minutes at a time with 10-minute intervals, and sleeping with the head elevated for the first two nights can help expedite the healing process and reduce swelling.


Absorbable stitches typically dissolve within two weeks and do not require removal. Non-absorbable stitches, on the other hand, should be removed by the dentist after 5-7 days. In both cases, avoid brushing the stitched area during the first week following the operation.


If any issues or questions arise, do not hesitate to consult your dentist. Cold application is recommended for the first 24 hours to alleviate discomfort. Sutures placed in the mouth will be removed after approximately one week, depending on the patient’s condition and the healing progress.

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