
Gastric Bypass Surgery In Turkey – Eylem clinic

Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey One of the common options in obesity surgeries or irregular eating behaviors, and many consider it the best among obesity surgeries.

What is gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most important types of obesity surgery.

It is a laparoscopic surgery, which is performed through small incisions in the abdominal wall.

It separates a small part of the stomach and connects it directly to the intestines.

Types of gastric bypass surgery:

  • Conventional diversion, in which two connections are made, one between the stomach and intestines, and the intestines and intestines.
  • The mini shunt, in which only one shunt is made between the stomach and intestines, and this process is technically easier, and its results and complications are very similar to the first “traditional” type.

Gastric bypass surgery is an ideal option for bariatric surgeons, as it achieves more weight loss than gastric banding, and its results are also superior to gastric sleeve surgery.

 Most important of all, gastric bypass surgery maintains the weight lost as a result of the operation over a long and stable period.

Who are the candidates for gastric bypass surgery?

 In severe obesity cases, our specialist doctors perform the most appropriate surgeries for your condition.

In gastric bypass surgery, a range of factors and body mass assessments are determined:

 If the body mass is more than 40 kg, whether or not there are complications of obesity.

  • If the body mass is between 35-40 kg, and there is a serious complication of obesity, such as diabetes, sleep disorders, snoring, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and others.
  • If the body mass is between 30-35 kg, and there is difficulty controlling sugar levels or the presence of metabolic syndrome.

 This evaluation is carried out in an accurate and comprehensive manner, with direct cooperation between several specialties, such as: bariatric surgery, nutritionist, and psychological counselor.

Well.. how does gastric bypass surgery help me lose weight in general?

The principle of operation is based on rationing the quantities of food received, and reducing the quantities of food absorbed by the body through the stomach and intestines.

Feeling less hungry, as a result of stimulating hormonal and physiological processes, as levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, decrease, and levels of leptin, the satiety hormone, increase.

Gastric bypass surgery encourages insulin production and response to a greater degree than other operations, which is one of the reasons why it is preferred over other operations, especially for people with type 2 diabetes, fatty liver patients, metabolic syndrome, and ovarian problems, as the common factor between these Diseases having insulin resistance in the body.

Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery improve the symptoms of type 2 diabetes with the same effect and improvement, but gastric bypass surgery has a long-term effect.

In some cases, such as patients who suffer from chronic reflux in the esophagus, especially in the event of complications, gastric bypass surgery is classified as the most appropriate procedure than gastric sleeve surgery.

 Are there any risks or complications in the gastric bypass operation?

 As with all surgeries, gastric bypass surgery involves some risks, and although all possible measures allowed by modern medicine are taken to prevent risks, it cannot be guaranteed that the risks will be completely eliminated, including:

  • bleeding
  • infection
  • coagulopathy (blood clot)
  • Leak
  • Injury to other organs
  • Transition to open surgery
  • Anesthesia-related complications
  • Abdominal wall hernia
  • feeding disorder
  • Gastric perforation, ulcers and erosion
  • gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Deficiency of some types of vitamins

Your surgeon will explain in detail whether or not these risks apply to you and how often they occur.

Advantages of gastric bypass surgery

 It is a completely safe process to get rid of obesity.

  1. It is performed endoscopically, which achieves great advantages for the patient, the most important of which is the lack of pain after the operation.
  2. Get rid of the patient from the painful complications of obesity, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and bone diseases.
  3. It cures type 2 diabetes.
  4. Suitable for all degrees of obesity and different weights.
  5. It does not involve inserting a foreign body or removing part of the stomach.
  6. It is one of the oldest obesity operations and achieves excellent results in the long term.

 Gastric bypass surgery results

 A very different life awaits you, in many ways, after gastric bypass surgery. In the first place, you need to follow the instructions of your doctor and your nutritionist literally.

 Patients have to follow some dietary restrictions early after surgery after bariatric surgery. They are allowed to eat liquid foods only at the beginning, after that, soft foods are allowed gradually followed by a routine diet that must be adhered to for the rest of life.

 Both GI tracts are restricted and absorption is affected in gastric bypass surgery. Because of limitations in nutrient absorption, you will necessarily attend routine follow-up visits, which are offered frequently in the early months.

 In addition to this, you should also take some vitamin and mineral supplements recommended by your doctor, as well, the weight loss process should also be managed carefully. Your body must adapt to the process of losing weight, and accordingly, medical attention must be provided immediately by the medical staff.

And with guarantees from our doctors.. The mayor’s bypass surgery helps in permanent and significant weight loss, as the percentage of lost weight reaches about 60% of the excess weight within two years or more.

As well as helping to improve your lifestyle and your ability to do many activities, and recover from several diseases.


Interested in the details and techniques of Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey?

Do you want to see how you will look after your Gastric bypass surgery?

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To provide you with everything you need about the process of Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey.

And stay healthy

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