
Gynecomastia Surgery In Turkey – Eylem clinic

What about Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey? .. There is nothing that embarrasses a man in his outward appearance more than the shape of his chest, especially if he suffers from gynecomastia.

Where the man suffers from a clear protrusion of the breasts, or a clear sagging in the chest area, or the size of the nipples has grown, and this causes him embarrassment and psychological discomfort, and even suffers in choosing clothes that may show his condition of gynecomastia.

What is gynecomastia Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey? & What is the plastic surgery competent to treat this case?

The phenomenon or condition of gynecomastia in men, classified as protrusion or sagging in the appearance of the breast and a benign (non-malignant) increase in its size as a result of several factors in men that we will mention later.

But with the development of plastic surgery techniques, this has been easily overcome. Where this surgery has become common and widespread, through which the fat and glandular tissue in the breast area is removed, then the chest area is reshaped from fat, muscles and glands in a coordinated manner, then the chest area is sculpted to add a completely new appearance in the shape of the chest from the previous, and to appear in a normal condition Better health and aesthetics.

In general, gynecomastia in men is not considered one of the conditions that may cause any health problems, but it causes psychological harm and embarrassment for the patient, which makes him want to conduct a treatment for this matter.

Am I a candidate for gynecomastia surgery?

  • An abnormal increase in the size, shape and consistency of the breasts in men.
  • If you feel embarrassment and distress because of the appearance of your breast or nipples.
  • In the event that sports programs and healthy nutrition are not effective in removing the large size of the breast.
  • If your weight is normal and your body is proportional, but the chest is large.
  • The appearance of accumulated lumps of tissue and sebaceous glands under the nipples.
  • A clear protrusion in the shape of the nipple as it approaches ossification.
  • Sagging in the size and shape of the breast.
  • Discharge from one nipple or both nipples.

What are the causes of the appearance of gynecomastia surgery?

  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Excessive use of some medications
  • obesity
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages
  • Cancerous tumors

Are there types of gynecomastia in men?

  • Homogeneous male gynecomastia: In this case, the man’s chest and breasts appear prominent and larger than the normal shape, but homogeneously in size and shape.
  • Heterogeneous male gynecomastia: It is the opposite of the first type, where sagging affects one breast without the other. In some cases, both breasts are too large, but there is a difference in the levels of hypertrophy for each of them, and this type is the most prevalent among the sufferers.
  • False gynecomastia: It is a simple protrusion of the chest and breasts as a result of the accumulation of fat in the chest area due to a relative increase in weight.

This is what makes us explain to you the difference between the phenomenon of gynecomastia, and the difference between it and the increase in fat in the chest area.

Is there a difference between the gynecomastia in men and increased fat in the chest area?

There is a clear confusion between the concept and case of gynecomastia and the increase in fat in the chest area in men, which causes the emergence of this area. So, let’s clarify the difference between them:

  • First – true gynecomastia: it is a noticeable and abnormal increase in the size of the chest area as a result of an abnormal increase in the proportion of estrogen (the female hormone) and in turn a decrease in the proportion of testosterone (the male hormone), and this defect may arise in only one side of the The chest or on both sides, it can also appear in younger men and in adult men alike.

There are no tangible symptoms of the problem of gynecomastia except the swollen shape of the chest and feeling a kind of tingling and pain at times.

It can also result in swelling and inflammation, which requires a doctor’s consultation.

  • Second – Excess fat (Pseudo gynecomastia): It is also called fatty gynecomastia or false gynecomastia, and it usually affects people who suffer from obesity and the imbalance of fat distribution in the body, which leads to its significant accumulation in the chest area.

False gynecomastia is not limited to adult men, but it can also affect children and young adults. Doctors usually advise treating this type of gynecomastia by following diets and sports in general, and focusing in particular on the chest area.

What are the consequences of gynecomastia surgery?

  • You will notice immediate results after the gynecomastia removal procedure, and you will find traces of small scars that will disappear quickly.
  • You will notice swelling, but after several months you will start to notice the normal shape of your chest.
  • You should make sure to choose a medical staff to choose for you the appropriate techniques and treatment plan for the type of gynecomastia and your condition.
  • The result is often satisfactory and reasonable for the patient.
  • There will be a schedule and program to complement the new look of your chest.


Interested in the details and techniques of gynecomastia surgery in Turkey?

Do you want to see how you will look after your gynecomastia surgery?

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Do not hesitate.. Contact us now through the eylem clinic To provide you with everything you need about the process of gynecomastia surgery in Turkey. And stay healthy

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