Hair Transplant In Turkey - Eylem clinic

Hair Transplant In Turkey – Eylem clinic

The results of our always successful operations at the Eylem Clinic Hair Transplant Center speak of the quality of our doctors and treatment services

The causes and factors of hair loss or baldness vary, but it remains one of the most common problems among women and men.

Where the average hair loss per person per day ranges between 50 to 100 hairs, and according to the different compositions and conditions of the hair, scalp, and physical and psychological health, the results of this hair loss phenomenon vary.

Many tend to follow a variety of solutions, between cosmetics, chemical or natural compounds, and solutions for wigs and locks of hair, but these solutions consume a lot of effort and money, but they are mostly useless.

While others turn to radical and guaranteed solutions by performing hair transplantation operations, which provide final solutions that eliminate hair loss or baldness problems completely, and provide impressive results from an attractive and desirable appearance.

Hair transplantation is a process that aims to improve the aesthetic appearance of a person, but that does not mean that it is a luxury. A person’s need to feel that his appearance is beautiful and attractive is equivalent to his need for medical treatment, and it has positive results on mental health, social relations and self-confidence.

What is the process of hair Transplant

It is one of the permanent solutions to eliminate hair loss problems, baldness areas, thin and weak hair strands problems,

  Therefore, hair transplantation is classified as a successful cosmetic procedure.

This process relies on the treating medical staff to attract complete hair follicles from the most vital and dense parts of the hair, and these follicles are usually taken from the donor areas, which are the areas at the back of the hair, in which the hair is characterized by strength and vitality.

After taking these follicles from the donor area, they are re-implanted in areas previously identified by the medical staff, in order to re-grow hair. This process usually takes place in the forehead and front of the head, and is called the receiving areas.

The hair transplantation process that we perform at Eylem Clinic depends on a professional medical staff and various advanced health technologies, because we are keen to keep abreast of the latest technologies and hair transplantation methodologies, so that you can be at the highest level of confidence and satisfaction, without surgical intervention or pain.

Is the hair transplantation process limited to the head hair area only?

Hair transplants take care of all the areas where you want hair to grow and have a natural and attractive appearance, such as:

  • Head area (particularly the front of the head, which is the most common).
  • eyebrows
  • mustache area
  • Beard area and its surroundings

How do I know that I am an ideal candidate for a hair transplant?

  • If you suffer from baldness or weak hair as a result of genetic factors or non-hereditary emergencies (such as diseases – psychological conditions – chemical treatments – burns and accidents … etc.)
  • She is in good health, and there is nothing to prevent a hair transplant, such as the use of certain medications.
  • Preference is given to those over 25 years of age.
  • It will contribute to the treatment if you have a healthy and donor area of hair.

How is hair Transplant done?

Doctors resort to this procedure when suitable donor areas of the same condition are not available, as artificial hairs are used and implanted in the hairless areas of the scalp.

What are the techniques used in hair Transplant?

There are many techniques in hair transplantation in Turkey, and each technique has special cases and conditions that suit it, and this technique is determined based on the examinations and consultations of the medical staff supervising the operation.

These technologies:

  • FUE technique
  • Choi pen technology (DHI)
  • Sapphire technology
  • FUT
  • OSL Bayer

We must note that each technology has its own style and tools, as well as the appropriate cases for each technology.

And at Eylem Clinic, be confident in our professional medical staff, who will carefully select the appropriate technique for you.

The results of a hair transplant

  • The results of a hair transplant require time, patience, and a treatment program that may extend to a year or more.
  • After a short period, you will begin to notice a healthy response to the transplanted follicles with old hair falling out and new hair growing.
  • After two weeks, the new follicles will be a fixed and permanent part in the new area of hair.
  • New hair usually lasts a lifetime if you follow the instructions, health procedures, and daily routine with your hair through an integrated treatment plan.

Hair transplantation for women and men!

Hair transplant operations are not limited to men only, but this process can be performed for women as well as men, as the condition of hair loss or weakness is a common condition for everyone, but one out of five women suffers from problems of weakness or hair loss as a result of various factors, including progress In age, pregnancy, hormonal changes and other reasons.

Although the condition of hair loss or baldness in women differs from that of men, the procedures and treatment plans are in a common style and techniques, so hair transplantation for women is an ideal solution to the problem of hair loss and the inability of cosmetics to restore lost hair.

Why would I choose Turkey for a hair transplant?

  • Turkey is ranked among the best countries in the world in medical and cosmetic tourism.
  • There is no exaggeration in saying that Turkey is the best and most successful country in hair transplantation.
  • Rather, it has become commonplace in public transportation in the Turkish city of Istanbul to see people who have performed hair transplant operations, especially foreign tourists who have found what they want in Turkey, given the good reputation in this process around the world.
  • Many factors pushed hair transplantation operations in Turkey to be among the best in the world, due to the tremendous development in hair transplantation techniques, professional and superior medical staff, cheap prices compared to the rest of the world, and the distinctive costs of travel, residence and living.
  • Recently, a medical center in Turkey developed a new discovery in the treatment of baldness and hair loss, without even the need for any surgery.
  • Not to mention that people looking for hair transplants in Turkey find that they have an irreplaceable opportunity in tourism and spend more time relaxing and touring the charming city of Istanbul.

  Interested in the details and techniques of Hair Transplant  in Turkey?

Do you want to see how you will look after your Hair Transplant ?

Contact us now.. and get a free medical consultation!

Do not hesitate.. Contact us now through the Eylem clinic To provide you with everything you need about the process of Hair Transplant  in Turkey.

And stay healthy

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