Liposuction Surgery In Turkey – Eylem clinic

Liposuction Surgery In Turkey – Eylem clinic

Liposuction surgery in Turkey will never be a substitute for natural solutions in losing weight and dissolving excess fat.

Getting the perfect body is everyone’s obsession, that beautiful and harmonious body in all areas and organs.. Hence the need for an appropriate surgical procedure: liposuction.

This operation is one of the most important operations in Turkey, and the most requested by everyone, whether men or women.

Where doctors adopt it as a cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, just as this process aims for a harmonious body, doctors also look for a healthy body and integrated functions of all organs, without any damage or disruption.

What is Liposuction surgery in Turkey?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses several techniques to remove excess fat from different areas of the body. This process has various aesthetic and health benefits.

Liposuction helps to sculpt the body and improve its external appearance. The process is also suitable for people who suffer from excess weight and difficult lumpy fats, and they did not succeed in getting rid of them by exercising and adhering to a diet.

Where doctors adopt it as a cosmetic and therapeutic procedure, just as this process aims for a harmonious body, doctors also look for a healthy body and integrated functions of all organs, without any damage or disruption.

Liposuction surgery in Turkey as a cosmetic procedure

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that allows you to get rid of fat that resists diet and exercise. The procedure can be combined with other plastic surgery procedures, including a facelift.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure and is essentially not a method for losing weight, even if the result is weight loss.

Important information about Liposuction surgery in Turkey

  • Liposuction allows not only to remove the abnormal accumulation of localized fat, but also to reshape the body part, where the excess fat is removed.
  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure that may have relative risks. Therefore, your general health indicators should be good before proceeding with liposuction.
  • It is important to have an ideal weight and healthy, resilient skin.
  • Also, liposuction is not recommended for people with circulatory disorders, heart disease, diabetes, or a weak immune system.
  • If you would like to have liposuction, please consult our plastic surgeons for techniques, outlook, and potential risks.

Is that a candidate for liposuction?

With the great demand for this process, smart technologies and solutions have increased in providing all the patients need of suitable solutions for their excess fat, so this process is classified as an easy and safe operation, and does not need specific conditions unless you:

  • Enjoy good and natural health
  • An adult over 18 years old.
  • Suffering from an increase in difficult fats, which you could not get rid of through natural alternatives.
  • ideal weight, but suffers from flabbiness or weight gain in some areas.

Can I get liposuction from any part of the body?

Yes, through advanced technologies, it has become easy to reach all the fatty lumps and work to remove and suction them in areas such as:

  • the neck
  • the chin
  • arm
  • the chest
  • belly
  • noon
  • waist
  • buttocks
  • Thighs
  • knees
  • Pubic (upper genital area).

What are the techniques used in Liposuction surgery in Turkey?

All techniques in liposuction are effective techniques, but each technique suits specific cases, specific areas of the body and specific results:

– traditional liposuction

The operation is done through surgical incisions in the liposuction site and inserting a sharp cannula under the skin, then the doctor moves it back and forth to break up the fat, and it is suctioned with a liposuction pump.

 – Laser liposuction

Laser liposuction is also known as smart liposuction because it works to melt the fat under the skin, through the temperature that allows skin tightening and breaking up collagen fibers to get better results, and it is one of the modern techniques of liposuction.

– Gentle vaser liposuction

It is the latest liposuction technology, in which ultrasound waves are used that gently dissolve fat and turn it into a liquid that is easy to suction from the body. It also sculpts the body and tightens the skin by the moderate heat that stimulates the production of collagen fibers, and gives equal results with accuracy and effectiveness.

 – 4D liposuction procedures

4D dynamic liposuction is one of the latest techniques of liposuction and also uses ultrasound to melt the thin fat under the skin that prevents the appearance of muscles, and uses a special cannula that can precisely sculpt the skin.

It is suitable for people who do not have a lot of fat but suffer from a thin layer of fat that prevents the appearance of muscles and body dimensions, and most bodybuilders are subject to it to highlight the muscles, or those who want to highlight the abdominal and chest muscles of athletes and others.

Liposuction results

The success of liposuction is not measured by the lost weight or the kilograms that were removed, but also by the final and desired shape that doctors and patients are keen to reach, by sculpting the area that was liposuctioned from here, and restoring its muscular and fatty tissue in a natural, harmonious and attractive way.


Interested in the details and techniques of Liposuction surgery in Turkey?

Do you want to see how you will look after your Liposuction surgery?

Contact us now.. and get a free medical consultation!

Do not hesitate.. Contact us now through the eylem clinic

To provide you with everything you need about the process of Liposuction surgery in Turkey.

And stay healthy

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