
Stomach Botox Injection In Turkey – Eylem clinic

Gastric Botox Injection or Stomach Botox Injection in Turkey  .. the perfect treatments to get rid of obesity

What is the Stomach Botox Injection (Gastric Botox Injection)?

Gastric Botox Injection or Stomach Botox Injection in turkey is one of the latest weight loss methods that is used for cases of obesity and a certain weight.

Through it, the stomach wall is injected with Botox, which works to temporarily relax the stomach muscles.

Its principle is based on the patient’s feeling of satiety, by preventing stomach contraction through Botox, which prevents pushing food into the intestines, and thus the process of food digestion is slow, food stays in the stomach for a longer period, and the need to eat or eat it greedily.

The importance of the Stomach Botox Injection to solve the problem of obesity and when should it be adopted?

  • In the event that you are one of the people who suffer from excess weight, and their bodies are unable to lose weight or their weight remains stable, without a logical reason to increase their weight.
  • In the event that you are one of the people who followed many diets and did not work with them, it is recommended for them to inject stomach Botox in Turkey, where you will achieve impressive results with them.
  • In the event that you are one of the people who want to lose a limited number of kilograms, they are the most recommended gastric Botox injections in Turkey than those who want to lose a large amount of weight in one go.
  • In the event that you are one of the people who suffer from constant hunger, binge eating, lack of feeling full and eat very large amounts of food, they are the most recommended for gastric Botox injections in Turkey because it puts an end to them, giving them a feeling of fullness.

Stomach Botox Injection complications

Since the gastric botox procedure is very easy and simple, it has not yet produced serious symptoms. Since the materials used in the surgery will be completely removed from the body within 4 to 6 months, there is no risk of a problem later on.

A customized and adaptable diet program is essential after the operation because the movement of the stomach muscles is limited, and eating and drinking outside of the customized diet may lead to surgery failure and previous weight regain.

When talking about the side effects of the gastric Botox process, some side effects may appear, such as pain and swelling in the injection area, nausea and indigestion, so the person who is considering getting Botox should not do this process if he suffers from any muscle disease or allergy to Botox .

Also, the tests that will be performed will show whether the procedure is appropriate for each patient’s particular case.

What is the effect of Stomach Botox Injection into the stomach on digestion?

The main effect of gastric botox is to slow down the movement of the stomach, as it will take up to 10-12 hours for food to move from the stomach to the intestine. This also results in a feeling of fullness for a long time.

What are the steps of the Stomach Botox Injection process?

  1. Gastric Botox does not require general anesthesia.
  2. Sometimes the doctor starts numbing the throat area, to ensure that the patient does not feel any sensation of vomiting during the surgery.
  3. The doctor inserts the endoscope into the stomach and begins injecting it with Botox in the injection needle attached to its tip.
  4. The substance is distributed in different areas of the muscles of the inner wall; This makes bowel emptying much slower than before.
  5. After the Botox content is emptied, the endoscope is taken out through the pharynx. The patient can leave the hospital on the same day without problems or worries, and he can return to his normal daily activities.
  6. Gastric Botox procedure takes 15 to 25 minutes.

What are the results of Stomach Botox Injection?

If you want a quick and ideal solution to lose a specific weight, which is usually between 5 to 12 kilograms, during a period that extends to 6 months after the operation.. then this process is ideal for you.

It has been observed that patients who undergo this operation are able to lose the largest percentage of their weight during the first six months of this operation, and therefore this is the best time to get rid of obesity and start a new life.

Compared to different obesity treatment operations, Gastric Botox surgery is the safest, and the complications that may result from it are very simple compared to other procedures. After the operation.


Interested in the details and techniques of Stomach Botox Injection in Turkey (Gastric Botox Injection in turkey) ?

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