
Tummy Sculpting Treatment in Turkey – Eylem clinic

tummy sculpting treatment in Turkey or stomach sculpting treatment in Turkey is the same procedure .. 

The stomach area is the area where essential fats accumulate, and it is one of the basic components of our external aesthetics, as well as an important indicator of our perfect health and fitness.

Some may want to get rid of the fat in the stomach area, and get an attractive and suitable shape for the stomach muscles, or what is also known as “six packs” .. which is what we offer you through the process of stomach sculpting.

What is tummy sculpting treatment in Turkey?

Stomach sculpting in Turkey is a successful cosmetic procedure, as it consists in removing or melting the fat that is located under the skin layer in the entire stomach area; And from the use of the word “sculpting”, the shape of the stomach is improved until reaching the ideal weight and shape.

The process of sculpting the stomach may be similar to liposuction, but the process of sculpting the stomach is more focused on the fat in the stomach and waist area, so that you can give it an attractive and perfect appearance. The process requires only a short time, in which the fat is dissolved, and finally disposed of.

Why is a tummy sculpting treatment performed?

The abdominal area is the main part of the body where excess fat is stored. Over time, the accumulation of excess fat in this area leads to a loss of skin elasticity and thus leads to the formation of excess skin. The muscles and connective tissues that support the abdominal area weaken and lengthen due to this abnormal load.

Thus, this formed fat will not allow the abdominal muscles to appear properly, as well as give an inappropriate appearance on clothes.

In addition to the negative effects of weight gain and loss cycles, pregnancy also has negative effects on the skin, muscles, and supportive tissues of the abdominal area.

As a result of all these processes, the skin of the abdomen relaxes under the influence of the force of gravity.

Stomach sculpting treatment is performed to remove excess abdominal skin and accumulated fat. Thus, the appearance improves and your tummy appears smooth and firm, with a better appearance of the abdominal muscles, and a more slender and attractive waist shape.

At the same time, stretch marks caused by pregnancy, weight loss and gain are removed.

Although the incisions made for cesarean delivery are hidden in the bikini area, the incision scars can also be removed during stomach sculpting treatment.

Advantages of stomach sculpting as a cosmetic procedure

  • If you have tried a lot with healthy nutrition systems or different sports programs but did not get the desired result for the perfect stomach appearance.
  • Modern options and technologies are easier and save time and effort in terms of the result and reaching the desired shape.
  • Stomach sculpting treatment is a very safe cosmetic option, and the recovery period after the procedure is fast.
  • If you are looking for the cheapest option, an alternative to expensive and varied treatments, medicines and sports equipment.
  • Stomach sculpting is a surgical procedure that aims to make the abdomen look better.
  • Sequential weight gain, loss and genetic traits lead to various abnormalities in the abdominal area. Apart from that, pregnancy in particular can cause disfigurement due to loosening of the abdominal muscles and loss of skin tone.
  • If your skin loses its elasticity and sagging, stomach sculpting treatment is performed to remove excess skin and fat.
  • Stomach sculpting treatment is the most common surgical procedure in body shaping and is performed to correct and eliminate sagging abdominal skin, stretch marks and deformities. With this surgery, loose skin is removed from the lower abdomen and the abdominal muscles are simultaneously tightened.

Well, how do I know if I am suitable for a tummy sculpting treatment?

  • If you are over 18 years of age.
  • You have a good weight, but want to improve the appearance of your stomach.
  • If you suffer from skin as a result of a significant weight loss.
  • Non smokers or alcoholics.
  • People who adhere to a healthy diet and exercise regime.
  • People who tried a lot to get an attractive shape, but to no avail.

What are the techniques used in the tummy sculpting treatment process?

There are many techniques, but they fall within two main options: either by surgical operation, or without.

tummy sculpting treatment

  • Gastric sculpting is performed by a team of plastic surgery specialists under general anesthesia. Therefore, you will be unconscious during the surgery and will not feel anything, including pain. The process takes about 3 hours.
  • As different surgical techniques are available, the plastic surgeon will determine the best tummy tuck technique and you will be informed of the details prior to the surgery.
  • At first, the excess skin and fat accumulated in the abdomen are removed. Then the abdominal muscles, the supporting tissues and the fascia – the membrane covering the abdominal muscles – are sculpted and tightened.
  • As a result of the removal of excess skin and fat, the position of the navel may change and thus the navel is moved to or close to the original position.
  • The incisions made for this surgery are hidden by the natural wrinkle of the skin.
  • When the surgery is complete, small drains are placed as a precaution against bleeding risks. The suture line will be covered with a wound bandage. You will be notified of when the drains will be removed, the dressing process and the stitches removed. If absorbable sutures are used, it is not necessary to remove the suture.
  • Analgesics will be prescribed after surgery in order to control postoperative pain. The swelling in and around the incision line will subside over time. You may also need to use antibiotics to prevent possible infection.
  • The scar tissue that forms along the incision line will fade over time, but its color will never match your skin tone.
  • When a plastic surgeon uses non-absorbable sutures and places a drain to prevent excess fluid and/or blood from accumulating under the incision line, your doctor will advise you on the date of their removal (usually the first follow-up visit after surgery).
  • What you need to do to protect your surgical area will be explained in detail. In addition, you will need to avoid heavy lifting and rapid movements for the period of time determined by your plastic surgeon to prevent wound dehiscence.
  • After the stomach sculpting operation, many precautions are required, including that you will wear a corset for a certain period determined by your doctor. It is very important that you follow all of your doctor’s instructions after surgery to protect and support the results of your surgery.
  • Your plastic surgeon will be followed up for scheduled follow-up visits prior to your discharge.

What about the results? Will I get an attractive and perfect belly?

Originally, you have abdominal muscles, but they are hidden due to the fat accumulated on top of them.

And yes! Many people hope for a “6 abs” and have been working for years without achieving the desired results.

Gastric sculpting removes and dissolves this fatty layer, resulting in “6 abdominal muscles” for most of the candidates for this procedure.


Interested in the details and techniques of tummy sculpting treatment in Turkey?

Do you want to see how you will look after your tummy sculpting treatment?

Contact us now.. and get a free medical consultation!

Do not hesitate.. Contact us now through the eylem clinic

To provide you with everything you need about the process of tummy sculpting treatment in Turkey.

And stay healthy

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