Hair transplant operations are classified among the five most common cosmetic operations and procedures in the world, as they are considered the best way and the short way to restore lost hair and thus restore the distinctive charming look that everyone desires, and then it was natural that thousands of hair transplant operations were performed for women and men annually.
The process contributes to getting rid of the nightmare of baldness or damage to some areas of the scalp for various reasons, which may prompt some to expedite the appearance of the results of the operation and notice the difference, for this reason experts in this field advise the need to identify the stages of hair growth implanted with pictures so that their hopes are within the reasonable and expected framework .
Stages of hair growth after transplantation with pictures
Some get frustrated after undergoing any of the hair transplant operations, and the secret is their misconception that this cosmetic procedure achieves quick, almost instant results, but the truth is quite the opposite, as the results of hair transplantation by FUT or FUE, the two most common techniques, appear in Gradual and long-term results are achieved.
The stages of hair growth after transplantation are divided into about five relatively long stages, as it is not possible to evaluate the results of that process and know the extent of its success until after approximately six months, and the final results achieved through it do not appear until after almost a full year, and sometimes they appear only Eighteen months later, a year and a half later.
The stages of hair growth after transplantation are divided by time
Some of the former patients, as well as the centers dedicated to hair transplant operations, review the development of the implanted follicles in pictures, which show the gradual hair growth rates starting from the next day directly until the final results appear in the long term. These stages are divided chronologically into the following:
The first two weeks after the operation
Experts believe that this stage is the most critical at all, during which the patient suffers from the side effects of the hair transplant process, most notably scalp irritation and the appearance of swelling in the transplanted areas as well as the donor area. The severity of these symptoms gradually decreases during the first five days and often disappears permanently after about ten days. .
It is possible that a crust will appear on the scalp at that time, and despite the discomfort it causes, doctors consider it evidence of cell growth and that the scalp deals well with new hair. Obtaining satisfactory results from the operation depends on providing the necessary care for the scalp at that stage. This is done by strictly adhering to the doctor’s instructions, which usually include the following:
- Use appropriate dressings to protect the donor areas during sleep
- Avoid exposure to high heat
- Make sure to wash your hair gently on a regular basis
- Abstain from smoking and alcoholic beverages
- Take the medicines prescribed by the doctor regularly
The third and fourth weeks
Extensive hair loss occurs during this stage, and this is a matter of concern to many patients. However, experts confirm that this is one of the stages of hair growth after natural transplantation and does not indicate any error in the process or any danger resulting from it; As the hairs that were transferred from the donor area to the transplanted area are temporary and it is normal that they fall out after a short period and then the follicles begin to germinate again.
This shows that hair loss after the transplantation process is a normal and expected step within the recovery phase from the effects of the operation. As for the new hair that sprouts in the following stages – after the rest period – it is usually healthy, strong and more stable and stable. This can be enhanced and accelerated the process of new hair growth from By following the doctor’s directions and providing the necessary hair care for him at this stage.
Two months after hair transplant
The resting period during which the follicles cease to be active after two months of hair transplantation is considered a natural stage within the new hair growth cycle. During this stage, it may seem to the patient that the hair transplant process did not make the slightest difference and that its general appearance remains the same, but in the end it is a temporary period that the follicles recur. Then its normal activity and begin to germinate again.
It is difficult to determine the period of rest period, because it differs from one patient to another depending on many variable factors, on top of which are the following:
- Rates of blood pumping to the newly transplanted areas
- The patient’s commitment to a healthy diet
- How to deal with the scalp and take care of it at that stage
- The doctor’s skill in installing the transplanted follicles in the treated areas of the scalp
- The type of technique used in hair transplantation
The period between the third and fourth month
The growth stages of the transplanted hair follicles actually begin during that period during which hair growth can be observed in the damaged or previously bald areas. The appearance of hair after the transplant can be relatively advanced or delayed according to the patient’s body response to the drugs that enhance the results of the transplant process.
It is noteworthy here that the new hair growing at that stage, contrary to what is expected, is low in density and often appears weak and emaciated, which may raise concern for some, but doctors confirm that this is completely normal, as the follicles are still in the first stage of growth, and it is assumed Its thickness and density gradually increase over the following weeks.
The period between the fifth and ninth month
This is the stage during which the results of the hair transplantation process can be evaluated in a semi-accurate manner. Those who follow the development of the growth of hair follicles implanted with pictures can easily notice the difference; The re-grown hair grows to become thicker, denser and stronger and often covers a larger area than the re-implanted area, and the donor areas – during the same stage – have fully recovered from the effects of the operation and returned to their normal state.
After the first year of operation
Statistics indicate that the results of the hair transplantation process have been achieved by 80% during that stage, where the growth of the largest proportion of the re-implanted hairs is completed and covers the entire affected area. It was done during the surgery and the hair tried to settle down and hold it in its new position.
It is recommended during this stage to refer to the specialist doctor in order to evaluate the semi-final results of the process, as well as to obtain his advice on the best methods of hair care and improving its external appearance in order to obtain perfect results in the end.
Two years after the operation
During that period, it is expected that the results of the hair transplantation process will be completely 100% complete, and the patient can deal with the transplanted hair completely naturally and take care of it using the usual traditional methods and try different styles with complete freedom. It is worth noting that some individual cases can reach this stage during shorter periods ranging from one year to eighteen months.
Transplanted hair growth rates
The re-implanted hair follicles go through the same stages in all cases, but they differ in terms of growth rates and the speed of results. This is due to several factors, foremost of which is the type of hair transplantation techniques used and their effectiveness, in addition to the nature of the damaged area in which the hair was re-implanted; Experts confirm that hair growth in the front of the head takes place at faster rates than the growth rates of hair in the middle of the head, because the first area, i.e. the front, to which the blood loaded with nutrients flows in greater proportions.
A number of experts conducted a comparative study on the stages of hair growth after transplantation and the rates of appearance of the final results of the operation. The most prominent results of that study were as follows:
Hair follicles grow gradually starting from the third month in the largest proportion of cases, about 94%
The delay in the appearance of results until the seventh or eighth month in 5% of the cases under study
Hair began to grow immediately after the operation in only 1% of cases
Those wishing to undergo hair transplant operations can roughly anticipate the growth rates and timing of their semi-final results by looking at the hair transplant experiences of previous patients with similar conditions who are keen to share their experiences with others and review the stages of hair follicle growth with pictures online.
Some important questions that we present to you about the hair transplant process
- When do the follicles prove after hair transplantation?
After two weeks of hair transplantation, the follicles are fixed, and you can wash your hair and return to your usual routine gradually. After two weeks, if you find any undissolved stitches, the doctor will remove them. With the passage of time during the first three months, the implanted hair loss phase comes, and then the hair begins to grow again from the follicles. transplanted hair.
- Does the transplanted hair fall out after years?
The transplanted hair grows completely naturally with age, the results of the hair transplant process are long-term and you do not expect the hair to fall out again within a few years, this is a misconception.
- Is transplanted hair stay for life?
The results of hair transplantation last from twenty years, and in most cases, they last for life.